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  • Jun 06, 2024
  • Grey Matter

Calgary Private School: Top 7 Benefits of Private School for Your Child

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most significant decisions a parent can make. In Calgary, parents have the option to choose between public and private schools, each with its own set of benefits. At Grey Matter Montessori. . .

  • May 09, 2024
  • Grey Matter

3 Reasons Why Montessori Education Suits Diverse Learning Styles

In a world where every child is unique, education must adapt to meet diverse learning styles. One educational approach that shines in this regard is Montessori education. Originating from the innovative mind of Maria Montessori, this method. . .

How The Four Cs of Montessori Foster Future Leaders
  • Apr 25, 2024
  • Grey Matter

How The Four Cs of Montessori Foster Future Leaders

At the heart of Montessori education is a simple yet profound belief: children learn best when they are allowed to explore their interests and engage with their environment in meaningful ways. This method, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori,. . .

5 Reasons Why Kids Love Montessori: A Grey Matter Montessori Perspective
  • Apr 18, 2024
  • Grey Matter

5 Reasons Why Kids Love Montessori

Montessori education, with its emphasis on respect, independence, and hands-on learning, offers a significantly different experience from traditional schooling. Children are not just students in this environment; they are young explorers navigating. . .

The Role of Art and Music in Early Childhood Development
  • Mar 21, 2024
  • Grey Matter

The Role of Art and Music in Early Childhood Development

In the vibrant, formative years of early childhood, art and music play pivotal roles not just as sources of entertainment but as crucial components of development. At Grey Matter Montessori, we believe in nurturing the whole child, understanding. . .

Creative Montessori-Inspired Activities for Spring: Engaging Young Minds
  • Mar 07, 2024
  • Grey Matter

Creative Montessori-Inspired Activities for Spring: Engaging Young Minds

As the snow melts away and the first blooms of spring make their appearance, it's a wonderful opportunity to incorporate the beauty and renewal of the season into the Montessori learning environment. At Grey Matter Montessori, we believe that. . .

Fusing IPC Standards with Montessori: Enhancing Child-Centered Education
  • Feb 08, 2024
  • Grey Matter

Fusing IPC Standards with Montessori: Enhancing Child-Centred Education

In the realm of education, combining diverse methodologies to enrich learning experiences is not just innovative; it's essential for cultivating well-rounded individuals. The fusion of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) standards with. . .

Catalysts of Curiosity: Montessori's Playful Learning Stations
  • Jan 18, 2024
  • Grey Matter

Catalysts of Curiosity: Montessori's Playful Learning Stations

In the realm of education, where the foundation of a child's learning journey is laid, Montessori stands as a beacon of innovative and effective teaching methods. At the heart of this approach lies the concept of "Catalysts of Curiosity" – a. . .

Montessori Celebrations: Embracing Diversity in January Traditions
  • Jan 04, 2024
  • Grey Matter

Montessori Celebrations: Embracing Diversity in January Traditions

January, a month that marks the beginning of a new year, is not only a time for resolutions but also an opportunity to embrace the richness of diverse traditions. In the Montessori environment, where the emphasis is on holistic education and. . .

The Impact of Montessori Education on Academic Achievement: Research and Findings
  • Dec 07, 2023
  • Grey Matter

The Impact of Montessori Education on Academic Achievement: Research and Findings

In the dynamic landscape of education, various methodologies have emerged, each promising to shape young minds in unique ways. One such approach that has gained considerable attention is Montessori education. Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in the. . .

The Montessori Approach to High-Quality Academics: Nurturing Independent Learners
  • Nov 16, 2023
  • Grey Matter

The Montessori Approach to High-Quality Academics: Nurturing Independent Learners

When you hear the word "classroom", what imagery does it conjure? For many, it's rows of desks, teachers at the front with chalkboards, and students scribbling down notes. But what if there was a different vision, one that emphasizes free. . .

Montessori Education and Special Needs: Inclusivity and Individualized Learning
  • Sep 28, 2023
  • Grey Matter

Montessori Education and Special Needs: Inclusivity and Individualized Learning

Every child is unique, with their own set of strengths, challenges, and learning styles. For children with special needs, finding an educational environment that nurtures their individuality while fostering growth can be a significant concern. This. . .

Nurturing Curiosity: Montessori Sensorial Activities for Preschoolers
  • Sep 07, 2023
  • Grey Matter

Nurturing Curiosity: Montessori Sensorial Activities for Preschoolers

As young learners embark on their educational journey, curiosity becomes their guiding light. In the Montessori preschool curriculum, this curiosity is not only embraced but actively nurtured through a plethora of sensorial activities. These. . .

Summer Reading List: Montessori Must-Have Books For Preschoolers
  • Jul 20, 2023
  • Grey Matter

Summer Reading List: Montessori Must-Have Books For Preschoolers

Fostering A Love Of Reading As the summer heat rolls in and children embrace the freedom of the season, it's a great opportunity to introduce them to the enchanting world of books. Reading helps develop language skills, sparks imagination,. . .

Fostering Flexibility and Adaptability in Montessori Preschool
  • Jul 06, 2023
  • Grey Matter

Fostering Flexibility and Adaptability in Montessori Preschool

Flexible Mindsets And Adaptable Skills The Montessori Way Flexibility and adaptability are practical life skills that allow individuals to thrive in a dynamic world. The Montessori approach recognizes this and integrates these principles into. . .

Get Outside! Embrace Summer Living With These Montessori-Inspired Activities For Preschoolers.
  • Jun 12, 2023
  • Grey Matter

Get Outside! Embrace Summer Living With These Montessori-Inspired Activities For Preschoolers.

Fun In The Sun, The Montessori Way Gardening: Gardening is a wonderful activity that allows preschoolers to connect with nature, develop fine motor skills, and learn about the life cycle of plants. Provide child-sized gardening tools and a. . .

How To Help Your Preschooler Transition From the School Year To Summer Vacation
  • May 19, 2023
  • Grey Matter

How To Help Your Preschooler Transition From the School Year To Summer Vacation

From The Montessori Classroom To Carefree Days Maintain a Consistent Daily Routine: Consistency is key in the Montessori approach. While the school year routine may not be entirely feasible during summer vacation, try to maintain a consistent. . .

The Role of Outdoor Education in Montessori Preschools
  • May 12, 2023
  • Grey Matter

The Role of Outdoor Education in Montessori Preschools

Outdoor learning The Montessori Way Connecting with Nature One of the primary advantages of outdoor education is the opportunity for young children to connect with nature. Montessori preschools often have dedicated outdoor spaces or access to. . .

The Importance Of Freedom In A Montessori Preschool | Preschool Calgary
  • Jan 23, 2023
  • Grey Matter

The Importance Of Freedom In A Montessori Preschool

Freedom In A Montessori Preschool As parents of preschoolers, you must be familiar with their fierce independence (at times), their bold determination to do everything themselves, their self-assured confidence that they can do anything and they. . .

The History Of Montessori Education | Grey Matter Preschool Calgary
  • Jan 16, 2023
  • Grey Matter

The History Of Montessori Education

The Rich History Of Montessori Who Is Maria Montessori? Born in 1870 in the town of Chiaravalle, Italy, Maria was always an ambitious student and first set her eyes on a career in engineering. As her education journey continued, she shifted. . .

Grey Matter Montessori Preschool Registration: A Step-By-Step Guide
  • Jan 02, 2023
  • Grey Matter

Grey Matter Montessori Preschool Registration: A Step-By-Step Guide

Preschool Registration 101 Step 1- Decide If Your Child Is Ready As winter draws to a close, it is time to explore your options for fall preschool registration. The very first thing to do is to consider if your child is ready for preschool. . . .

The Best Preschool-Aged Activities For Outdoor Winter Fun
  • Dec 05, 2022
  • Grey Matter

The Best Preschool-Aged Activities For Outdoor Winter Fun

The Best Preschool Activities For Outdoor Fun The Montessori Method outlines 5 subject areas of study. Here are fun and exciting activities broken down to reinforce each subject area your child will learn in a Montessori. . .

Learning Math In A Montessori Preschool
  • Oct 15, 2022
  • Grey Matter

Learning Math In A Montessori Preschool

Preschool Math The Montessori Way Dr. Maria Montessori believed that children crave order and precision and that children’s minds are intrinsically mathematical. This makes sense. The symbols and organization of math surround us every day, no. . .

Setting Up The Classroom In A Montessori School
  • Oct 08, 2022
  • Grey Matter

Setting Up The Classroom In A Montessori School

The Features Of A Classroom In A Montessori School A carefully prepared Montessori classroom is meant to facilitate independent learning and exploration. The classroom is structured and ordered, but designed with flexibility so that the child has. . .

Exploring Fall The Montessori Way | Montessori Preschool Calgary
  • Sep 01, 2022
  • Grey Matter

Exploring Fall The Montessori Way

Celebrate Fall With These Montessori-Inspired Activities Play With Pumpkins Is it really fall if you don’t partake in some kind of pumpkin-related activity? Pumpkins and gourds are abundant this time of year. Gather some of your favourite. . .

How Does The IPC® Complement The Montessori C
  • Aug 09, 2022
  • Grey Matter

How Does The IPC® Complement The Montessori Curriculum?

What Is The Montessori Curriculum? The Montessori curriculum is an educational approach developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. This method focuses on several key concepts including: Using hands-on learning techniques Incorporating movement. . .

Does My Child Really Need To Attend Preschool?
  • Aug 02, 2022
  • Grey Matter

Does My Child Really Need To Attend Preschool?

Why Preschool Is Important A child’s brain is developing rapidly between the ages of 2 and 5. It is important to provide children with opportunities to grow and explore with age-appropriate, enriching activities during this critical time. . . .

What Is The Parents' Role In Montessori Education?
  • Jul 20, 2022
  • Grey Matter

What Is The Parents' Role In Montessori Education?

How Parents Can Support The Montessori Method A Montessori program is not a particular curriculum or educational discipline, but rather a philosophy and an approach to child development. As such, we hope that the ideas, principles, and techniques. . .

How Kindergarten Students Benefit From A Montessori Mixed-Age Classroom
  • Jul 11, 2022
  • Grey Matter

How Kindergarten Students Benefit From A Montessori Mixed-Age Classroom

Mixed-Age Classrooms Are Excellent For Kindergarten Students  Mixed-age classrooms provide more space for children to progress and succeed at their own pace; one of the cornerstones of a Montessori education. Here are just some of the. . .

  • Jul 02, 2022
  • Grey Matter

How To Prepare Your Child For Montessori Preschool This Fall

6 Tips To Prepare Your Child For Preschool Living in the moment is very important, and you don’t need to dampen the lazy, hazy ways of summer with a stringent schedule of school preparation. But by implementing some very simple strategies this. . .

Keep a Montessori Frame Of Mind All Summer Long
  • May 24, 2022
  • Grey Matter

Keep a Montessori Frame Of Mind All Summer Long

Follow These Three Montessori Values This Summer Create Opportunities To Learn Some of the key ideas in a Montessori education are: Preparing the environment to suit individual children’s needs. Using hands-on learning. . .

Grey Matter Montessori How To Help Your Child Prepare For The End Of The School Year
  • May 15, 2022
  • Grey Matter

How To Help Your Child Prepare For The End Of The School Year

As The School Year Comes To An End Preschool is such a brief moment of time in a child’s life, but it is often their very first exposure to the classroom environment and fundamental to their first experience of formal learning. Hopefully it is. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Blog - How To Talk To Your Preschooler About Mental Health
  • Apr 28, 2022
  • Grey Matter

National Child And Youth Mental Health Day: How To Talk To Your Preschooler About Mental Health

Starting The Conversation Children’s mental health can be most easily characterized as the way that they think and feel about their world and themselves. Good mental health means that they have the tools to identify their feelings, navigate. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Blog - The Importance Of Movement In The Montessori Classroom
  • Apr 14, 2022
  • Grey Matter

The Importance Of Movement In The Montessori Classroom

The Connection Between Movement And Learning Learning Is Linked To Movement  Maria Montessori believed that the ability to absorb and retain information is optimized when a child’s body is in motion. Studies also show that combining language. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Blog - How A Montessori Preschool Prepares Your Child For A Traditional Kindergarten Program
  • Apr 06, 2022
  • Grey Matter

How A Montessori Preschool Prepares Your Child For A Traditional Kindergarten Program

The Benefits Of A Montessori Preschool Education The answer, quite simply, is yes. Any child, even those who go on to attend a more traditional education stream, can benefit from even one year in a Montessori preschool program. Here is. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Blog - How A Mixed Age Preschool Classroom Can Benefit Your Child
  • Mar 27, 2022
  • Grey Matter

How A Mixed Age Preschool Classroom Can Benefit Your Child

The Main Benefits Of Mixed Age Classrooms Observation Younger children learn by watching older children and adults. When students are in a mixed-age classroom, the younger children can see the older children performing more complex lessons and. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Blog - Talking To Your Child About Major World News Events
  • Mar 25, 2022
  • Grey Matter

Talking To Your Child About Major World News Events

Talking With Your Preschooler About Major News Events The Best Place To Start When everyone seems caught up in a major news event, the best place to begin a conversation is by asking your child what they have heard or seen. Encourage your child. . .

Here Are Some Of Our Favourite Montessori-Inspired Crafts
  • Mar 04, 2022
  • Grey Matter

It's National Craft Month! Here Are Some Of Our Favourite Montessori-Inspired Crafts!

Montessori-Inspired Crafts Modelling Beeswax. Working with modeling beeswax is a great way to develop strength in the hands and fingers while allowing children to work on their 3D spatial awareness. For the wax to be pliable, it must be warmed up. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Blog - Is My Child Ready For Preschool
  • Jan 14, 2022
  • Grey Matter

Is My Child Ready For Preschool?

Remember that there are aspects they will learn from preschool like socialization skills, and that your child does not have to be a genius or a social butterfly before they enter the preschool program. Your child should have enough skills that they. . .

Setting New Year's Resolutions With Your Preschooler|Calgary Preschool
  • Jan 07, 2022
  • Grey Matter

Setting New Year's Resolutions With Your Preschooler

Resolutions aren’t only for personal improvement, they can enrich your family life, your children’s understanding of themselves, and they can even be fun! When you’re creating your goals with your children, try following these tips to make. . .

How To Inspire Your Preschooler's Creativity | Calgary Preschool
  • Dec 22, 2021
  • Grey Matter

Inspire Your Preschooler's Creativity With These Tips

6 Ways To Inspire Creativity In Your Preschooler Encourage Questions. Children are naturally inquisitive, sometimes so much so that it can be hard to get them to stop asking questions. Try not to discourage this natural curiosity. If you. . .

The Effects Of Colour On The Learning Environment | Calgary Preschool
  • Dec 10, 2021
  • Grey Matter

The Effects Of Colour On The Learning Environment

Colours should change depending on the age of the child, as they develop and learn. Unfortunately, there is no exact colour combination that will guarantee optimal learning, as each child is unique, but as will be explained below, there are ways to. . .

12 Christmas Activities For Your Preschooler | Calgary Montessori
  • Dec 03, 2021
  • Grey Matter

12 Days Of Montessori Christmas: Montessori Inspired Activities For Your Preschooler

Montessori Inspired Christmas Activities Christmas Sensory Bin. Put some red and green coloured dried pasta in a bin with some bells, fake candy canes, and other non-breakable ornaments and let your little one play around in it. This activity. . .

  • Oct 07, 2021
  • Grey Matter

Setting Your Child Up for School Success with Extracurricular Activities

Whether you participated in extracurricular groups as a child or not, it is worth it to consider the benefits available for your child if they participate in these out-of-school activities. At Grey Matter Montessori we believe every child should. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Montessori Community Partners
  • Sep 24, 2021
  • Grey Matter

Meet Grey Matter Montessori’s Community Partners

We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment of learning and growth with the Montessori curriculum and enhanced opportunities for engagement with programs such as yoga, dance, gymnastics, and community partnerships. Contact us for a school. . .

Grey Matter Montessori | Blog | Tips To Build a Strong Foundation for Early Learning
  • Sep 09, 2021
  • Grey Matter

Tips To Build a Strong Foundation for Early Learning

Grey Matter Montessori believes that no two children learn exactly the same way, which is why the Montessori program is designed to give your little one the opportunity to realize their own individual learning style and discover the joy such. . .

Grey Matter Montessori | Blog | The Benefits of School Uniforms
  • Sep 02, 2021
  • Grey Matter

The Benefits of School Uniforms

Grey Matter Montessori is an educational center designed to provide an exclusive and comprehensive Montessori and International Preschool Curriculum program for children aged 3-6.   We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment of. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Children Motivated Montessori
  • Sep 02, 2021
  • Grey Matter

4 Ways To Motivate Your Child To Learn

4 Strategies To Motivate Your Child To Learn What can you do when your child does not want to learn? The following tips will help your child find the motivation to discover the joy of learning.   Focus On Your Child's Interests Learning. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Montessori Sensory Activities
  • Aug 12, 2021
  • Grey Matter

The Importance Of Sensory Play For Development

Sensorial learning is a foundational component of Montessori education. The sensorial materials developed by Dr. Montessori can help your preschooler explore, understand, process, and classify their environment and broaden their ability to. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Parent Teacher Tour Montessori
  • Aug 05, 2021
  • Grey Matter

The Right Questions to Ask During a Montessori Tour

As you explore the options for preschool, it is important to understand your child; their personality, learning style, and their interests. This can help guide you as you seek out the best academic fit for your preschooler. As you investigate the. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Prepare for preeschool
  • Jul 30, 2021
  • Grey Matter

23 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Preschool

Teaching Your Pre Kindergarten Child Life Skills Without a doubt, every parent wants the best for their child. Both structured and unstructured play will provide your child with a variety of important, lifelong skills and lessons such. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Montessori Activities
  • Jul 15, 2021
  • Grey Matter

15 Montessori Activities for your Toddler and Preschooler

Benefits of Montessori Based Play Before we dive into some ways to incorporate practical life activities into play, let’s discuss some of the benefits that this type of learning gives to your child: These activities are calming for. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Play with Children
  • Jul 08, 2021
  • Grey Matter

Fostering a Love for Learning Through Play

As you watch your child grow up you have every hope in the world for them to live, learn, laugh, and love. You do your best to ensure they absorb everything they can from the world around them, from math and science to art and spelling. Did you know. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - IPSL Preeschool
  • Jun 24, 2021
  • Grey Matter

4 Reasons To Enroll Your Child In An IPC® Preschool

Your child's early education has a profound and enduring effect on their social, physical, and emotional development. Your child's early years are the foundation for their future development, providing a strong base for lifelong. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Choosing the right Preeschool
  • Jun 18, 2021
  • Grey Matter

6 Different Types Of Preschool Programs

It seems like only yesterday your little one was just learning how to walk and talk. Now it is time for them to enter the world of learning, and the first step is by enrolling them in a preschool program.   Preschool is designed to let your child. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Blog - Certified School
  • May 25, 2021
  • Grey Matter

Consider An IPC-Certified School For Your Child This Fall

The Internal Preschool Curriculum (IPC) is a comprehensive preschool curriculum designed to develop foundational knowledge and skills while understanding and promoting diversity among individuals and cultures. The main objective of the IPC. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Blog - Age difference
  • May 12, 2021
  • Grey Matter

5 Reasons Why Montessori Schools Have Mixed-age Classes

Rather than grouping early education students by the year they were born, Montessori schools group students based on developmental stages of learning. This means Montessori schools conduct their educational practices within mixed-aged. . .

Grey Matter Montessori - Blog - preparing for preschool
  • May 04, 2021
  • Grey Matter

How To Prepare Your Child For Preschool

For new parents and parents of young children, arranging your child’s preschool education can be an exciting but scary time. If your child is set to attend preschool for the first time this fall, you and your child may be experiencing a variety of. . .

Grey Matter_Why Montessori
  • Apr 21, 2021
  • Grey Matter

Why Choose Montessori For My Child?

The unique and progressive learning style of Montessori education values children’s individualized strengths, interests, and creativity allowing them to learn at their own pace and cultivate self-motivation. The concrete educational system differs. . .

GM_What Is Montessori Education
  • Apr 14, 2021
  • Grey Matter

What Is Montessori Education?

Montessori is a well-known form of education/teaching that combines theory and practice to help guide every child's unique educational journey. The preconceived notions of what traditional education looks like are not present in Montessori. . .

  • Apr 06, 2021
  • Grey Matter

Benefits of Montessori Preschool Vs. Traditional Day Care

IF your child is between the ages of 3- 6 you might be considering whether daycare or preschool is a better option for your child and whether the Montessori method is right for your child's preschool experience if that is what you choose to do. . . .

Grey Matter Montessori | Private Montessori School
  • Mar 23, 2021
  • Grey Matter

The Most Substantial Benefits of a Private Montessori School

Is your child getting to the age when you should start thinking about their school? Want to learn more about private Montessori schools? Here are six advantages of them! The number of options of schools to send your child to can be pretty. . .

Montessori Preschool Calgary | Grey Matter Montessori
  • Mar 15, 2021
  • Grey Matter

4 Ways You Can Create a Montessori Friendly Home

The Montessori Method of learning is scientifically proven to be a more effective education method than typical public school education. Here is how you can incorporate Montessori principles into your home for the benefit of your child! If you. . .

Grey Matter Montessori | Montessori Daycare Calgary
  • Mar 03, 2021
  • Grey Matter

Choose The Best Preschool For Your Child By Following These 8 Tips

Choosing the right preschool can be quite a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time choosing a school. To help parents get the best education for their children, we have compiled 8 pieces of advice for how you can find the best preschool. . .

Grey Matter Montessori | Montessori Preschool Calgary
  • Feb 21, 2021
  • Grey Matter

8 Tips to Keep It Peaceful At Home While In Lockdown

Are you, your child, or your family struggling with your home dynamic? Was your home more serene before the lockdown happened? Here are some tips you can use to try and recreate that pre-pandemic peace. The continuation of the stay-at-home. . .

Montessori Preschool Calgary | Grey Matter Montessori
  • Feb 14, 2021
  • Grey Matter

8 Things To Look For When Searching For A Genuine Montessori School

Is it time to register your child into preschool, and you are searching for the right one? Are you thinking about Montessori education but want to learn about what to look for? Here are 8 things you will see at an authentic Montessori. . .

How a Montessori Education Will Help Your Childs Development and Social Skills - Grey Matter Montessori NW Calgary
  • Jan 24, 2021
  • Grey Matter

5 Aspects of a Montessori Education That Focus on the Social and Emotional Growth of Your Child

Are you thinking about enrolling your child in a Montessori preschool? Do you want to learn more about the emotional and social development of the Montessori program? Here are 5 key aspects that are unique to the Montessori method of education. . .

The Importance of Play In Your Child's Growth – NW Calgary Montessori Preschool
  • Dec 17, 2020
  • Grey Matter

The Importance of Structured and Unstructured Play In Your Child's Development

For a child, play is an integral part of how they learn, discover the world, and understand how their bodies work. Here is why you and your child's school must encourage them to play, and the benefits of different types of play. Playtime is. . .

6 Core Characteristics of a Montessori Education - Calgary Montessori Preschool
  • Dec 03, 2020
  • Grey Matter

6 Core Characteristics of a Montessori Education

Are you looking for the right preschool for your child? Have you heard about a Montessori education but aren't quite sure what it is? Maybe you are weighing the pros and cons of a Montessori education! Here are the 6 core characteristics of. . .

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  • Oct 28, 2020
  • Grey Matter

4 Ways That Montessori Schools Are Better Than Traditional Schooling

Are you trying to decide if a Montessori School in Calgary is right for you and your child? Are you wondering about the differences between a Montessori and traditional preschool? Here are four traits that set Montessori preschools apart from. . .

virtual daycare calgary, montessori preschool calgary, montessori calgary, montessori daycare calgary, preschool calgary, daycare calgary nw, montessori calgary nw, preschool calgary nw, Grey Matter Montessori
  • Sep 14, 2020
  • Grey Matter

5 Reasons to Enrol Your Child in a Montessori Preschool

Are you considering enrolling your child into a Montessori preschool in Calgary? While there are a variety of educational methods to choose from, here’s how your child can benefit from the Montessori method. As a parent in the process of. . .

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  • Aug 26, 2020
  • Grey Matter

3 Back To School Safety Tips To Follow During The COVID-19 Pandemic

As the summer winds down, parents and children are preparing to return back to school, but you may be hesitant due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are five back to school safety tips to teach your child to keep their health and well-being. . .

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  • Aug 19, 2020
  • Grey Matter

3 Ways to Incorporate Montessori Principles at Home

Are you a parent who is considering implementing some Montessori principles at home? Here are some of the few changes you can make to your environment to encourage your child’s natural curiosity and ability to learn for years to. . .

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  • Jul 28, 2020
  • Grey Matter

6 Benefits of Summer Learning For Your Child

Are you worried that a summer completely free of learning may set your child back? Here are some top tips from our NW Calgary Montessori preschool to keep your child engaged during this time and six reasons why summer learning is so. . .

international preschool curriculum calgary, montessori calgary nw, montessori school evanston calgary, montessori evanston calgary, preschool evanston calgary, virtual montessori calgary, montessori daycare calgary, virtual daycare calgary, calgary montessori school, preschool calgary nw, daycare evanston calgary, best preschool calgary, preschool calgary, daycare calgary nw, Grey Matter Montessori
  • Jul 09, 2020
  • Grey Matter

5 Surprising Aspects of Montessori Preschools You Might Not Know About

Are you thinking about enrolling your child in a Montessori school in Calgary? Here are five facts about the Montessori preschool education system that you might not know about and how it can benefit your little one’s social, emotional, and. . .

virtual daycare Calgary, virtual montessori Calgary, Calgary montessori school reviews, Calgary montessori school, preschool Calgary NW, best preschool Calgary, montessori Calgary, montessori daycare Calgary, montessori Calgary NW, preschool Calgary
  • May 12, 2020
  • Grey Matter

3 Benefits of Being Involved in Your Child's Early Education

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Calgary Montessori preschool has introduced a virtual daycare program to ensure your child’s learning and development continues during this difficult time. It also gives parents a great opportunity to become more. . .

virtual daycare Calgary, virtual montessori Calgary, Calgary montessori school reviews, Calgary montessori school, preschool Calgary NW, best preschool Calgary, montessori Calgary, montessori daycare Calgary, montessori Calgary NW, preschool Calgary
  • May 07, 2020
  • Grey Matter

How to Register For Our Virtual Calgary Montessori Program

At Grey Matter Montessori, we are now offering a virtual-in home learning program for our preschool students to help them stay on track with their academic, social, and personal development. Here’s how it works and how you can register your child. . .

preschool Calgary, calgary montessori school, daycare evanston Calgary, best preschool Calgary, preschool Calgary nw, montessori daycare Calgary, Grey Matter Montessori
  • Feb 29, 2020
  • Grey Matter

7 Traits of an Authentic Montessori School

Are you looking for a Montessori preschool for your child in Calgary, but aren’t sure if you found the right one? Here are 7 traits of an authentic Montessori school you should watch out for. For parents who are looking for a Montessori. . .

montessori daycare Calgary, montessori preschool Calgary, montessori Calgary nw, preschool Calgary NW, best preschool Calgary
  • Feb 04, 2020
  • Grey Matter

3 Tips For Finding the Best Montessori Preschool For Your Child

Are you considering sending your child to a Montessori preschool or daycare? Here are some of the top tips to help you find the best Montessori preschool in Calgary for your little one. For more than a century, the Montessori method of. . .

Best preschool Calgary, Preschool Calgary, Preschool Calgary NW
  • Jan 15, 2020
  • Grey Matter

4 Critical Skills Your Child Will Develop in a Montessori Classroom

Are you wondering if sending your child to a Montessori preschool is best for their education and development? Here are 5 key things your child will learn in a Montessori preschool. Choosing the best preschool for your child is a tricky process. . .

Montessori Calgary NW, Montessori Preschool, Montessori Daycare Calgary, Grey Matter Montessori
  • Jan 05, 2020
  • Grey Matter

7 Major Differences Between Montessori and Traditional Preschools

Are you wondering whether to send your child to a traditional preschool or a Montessori one? Here are 7 big differences between the two systems and how to decide which one is right for your little one. Montessori is a method of education that. . .

Montessori vs Preschool
  • Jul 24, 2019
  • Grey Matter

Why Montessori Education Could Be A Better Fit For Your Child!

When it comes to choosing your child's first experience of schooling there are many decisions to make.   One important decision when it comes to schooling is what teaching methods will best suit your child and their nature. So just what is the. . .

Montessori Curriculum
  • Jul 07, 2019
  • Grey Matter

What is Included in the Montessori Curriculum

Montessori curriculum is different from traditional classroom curriculum that focuses on children learning the same thing, at the same time, in the same way. The Montessori curriculum emphasizes learning as a process that cannot be determined by a. . .

  • Jun 24, 2019
  • Grey Matter

Summer activities for your children using Montessori in Calgary

During the summer break, children will enjoy the leisurely time in which they can relish individual choices, uninterrupted play, ample rest and sleep, unhurried meals and unplugged screens.   Here are just a few ideas of how a child can fill their. . .

Difference and Benefits of Montessori vs Traditional Preschool
  • May 19, 2016
  • Grey Matter

4 Differences Between Montessori and Traditional Teaching

“The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth. ” - Maria Montessori In 1907, Italy’s first female physician turned educator, Maria Montessori, opened the Casa dei Bambini (Children’s House) in a low-income district. . .

Latest Testimonial

Another shout out to an amazing school here in #Calgary! Our youngest son goes to this school and he loves it! In just 5 short months his knowledge has grown, his confidence is starting to bloom and he just loves learning! The personal touch the wonderful teachers provide is certainly priceless!  What I love is that when you walk in there, there is always calming music playing softly, and everyone is smiling and friendly 

Maryann Penney

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