No matter whether your child is learning from home or has recently returned to their school, the threat of another lockdown continues to loom. If you need assistance with your kid’s e-learning or want to be prepared in the instance that a second lockdown occurs, here are 7 ways that parents can help their children learn from home.
The most influential people in the life and development of a child are their parents or guardians. Once they start school, part of that burden falls on their teachers. However, since the coronavirus pandemic has occurred, this has changed and put more of the educational duty back on the parents.
If this seems similar to the situation you find yourself in, don’t worry, Grey Matter Montessori is here to help. Continue reading to learn more about how parents can help their kids succeed in online learning.
Our NW Calgary Montessori Preschool and Daycare is Here To Help
As the pandemic continues, so too do the difficult times that come with it. No matter whether your child is learning from home, in school, or you are looking for the right preschool or daycare, if the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we here at Grey Matter Montessori want you to know that we are always available to support you and your child’s growth.
If you want to learn more about our Montessori methods, preschool and daycare, or have any questions about your child’s education, call us at 587-707-4739 today.
7 Tips to Help Your Child Succeed At Online Learning
Depending on your school, and when you are reading this article, your child may be stuck learning from home. While there is light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, we can’t rule out another lockdown or new pandemic. If you need assistance managing your child’s at-home learning, here are 7 tips to help them succeed.
1. Minimize Distractions
Since your home is a multi-functional space, it can be very easy to become distracted from learning and working. This can be especially challenging for young children who are always looking for things to do. The first step to ensuring your child is successful during online learning is to create a space dedicated to learning with minimal distractions, much like an ordinary Montessori classroom.
2. Develop a Schedule
Don’t forget that when your child goes to school, they follow quite a predictable schedule of different subjects, recess, lunchtime, and other activities. While it may feel strange at first creating a schedule for your child, you will soon get into the rhythm of them and it will become second nature. Don’t be afraid to take some time for snack breaks, playtime (recess), and brain breaks, as these are everyday activities in a school setting.
3. Provide Time For Brain Breaks
Whether it be recess, an educational game, or maybe an impressive educational show, teachers utilize brain breaks all the time in their classrooms. While they may not be locked into the program like classes or lunchtime, brain breaks can be soft scheduled to provide your child with a break when they seem to be getting frustrated, bored, or tired.
4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help
At home, you will be more involved with your child’s education than ever before. While most of the learning responsibilities should fall on your teacher, there will be lots that carry over to you. If you ever feel overwhelmed, lost, or in need of assistance, be sure to contact your child’s teacher, and they will be happy to help. Most young educators care a great deal about their student’s learning, and will be more than willing to assist you in providing them with an optimal learning environment.
5. Take Time to Learn Offline
While online learning does provide many exciting opportunities for better education, there are some threats as well. High screen time levels have been linked to various adverse health conditions such as depression, obesity, and attention disorders. Be sure to schedule ample lessons throughout the day to be completed offline, whether it be completing a homework assignment with pencil and paper, using some physical money to do some math equations, or even doing some outdoor activities and sports. All of these, and more, will be sure to keep your child’s mind fresh throughout the day.
6. Offer Positive Feedback
Especially in young children, positive feedback is crucial to their development, confidence, and self-esteem. Many children will miss the gentle and kind reassurance that they would receive from their teachers. Do you best to emulate this at home by using stars and stickers to validate one of their assignments, offering praise for finishing an online class, and building a reward system where your child can get real benefits such as dessert or extra playtime for doing good work!
7. Help Kids Be In Touch With Their Friends
School not only serves as a place to learn but is, more importantly, a place for kids to interact with one another, develop friendships, and grow their social skills that are crucial in life. While we adults may be struggling not seeing our own friends, families, and loved ones, you can be sure that your children are feeling the same, if not worse, since they are less able to cope with difficult emotions.
Help your child make it through their online school by providing more avenues for them to see their friends. Maybe set up a group lesson with some of their peers, encourage online video chatting, or organize some outdoor activities with their friends (once this becomes allowed again).
Grey Matter Montessori Provides the Best Montessori Preschool in Calgary
If you are looking for a Montessori daycare or preschool in NW Calgary, Grey Matter Montessori is an excellent choice. Our hand-picked, highly qualified educators are among the best in providing a nurturing, beneficial online environment for all of our students. Want to learn more about our Montessori program or inquire about enrollment opportunities? Call us at 587-707-4739 or fill in our online contact form below, and someone from our team will promptly reach out to you!
Q: How can parents provide motivational support for online learning?
You can help to keep your child motivated by following these three tips:
- Stay active and moving
- Encourage self-expression in your child
- Provide healthy, conversational mealtimes
To learn more about these three tips, check out our article on 3 Tips to Keep Your Child Motivated As the COVID-19 Pandemic Continues.
Q: How can I help my child learn while outside of the classroom?
There are many ways that you can help your child outside of their online learning environment. Some tips to being involved in their learning include:
- Be with them while they do their homework
- Read with your child nightly
- Add educational elements to your daily life
- Make some educational activities fun for them
There are even more tips in our article on 8 Ways You Can Be Involved In Your Child’s Education While at Home.
Q: My child’s grades are slipping. What can I do to help?
There are many methods you can employ to help them improve their educational development, many of which have been listed above. However, an essential thing that you can do is to reach out to their teacher. You can discuss what issues your child is facing and how you can create a plan to help them.