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The Montessori Method

The Montessori Method is an educational approach developed by Dr. Montessori. It combines theory and practice, encompassing ideas, principles, techniques and materials which inform and guide child learning programs. Some of the key ideas include:

  • Preparing the environment to suit individual children’s needs.
  • Providing materials and presentations appropriate to a child’s sensitive periods.
  • Using hands-on learning materials.
  • Incorporating movement in all activities.
  • Individualized learning which allows children to work at their own pace.
  • Encouraging children to correct their mistakes independently.
  • Diligently observing children to determine when they are fully ready to learn a new skill.


The 5 Subject Areas of the Montessori Method

Practical Life - Practical life activities refer to an increasingly challenging series of small motor tasks involving practical real-life goals such as cleaning a table or washing a plate. Not only do practical life activities help children master everyday tasks, they also foster independence, body control and coordination of movement, concentration and a sense of order.

Sensorial - The development and refinement of our senses is greatest during the early years of development. Montessori sensorial education involves the refinement of the child’s senses through repeated manipulation of specifically designed materials in order to provide concrete examples of abstract concepts (such as color, texture, sound and scent.) This form of child learning provides students with a structure and vocabulary for information received through the five senses.

Mathematics - Through the use of hands-on materials designed around the decimal system, children learn important mathematical principles. Dr Montessori demonstrated that if a child is able to learn during the stage when they enjoy manipulating materials, they will be able to more easily and successfully assimilate the skills and knowledge of arithmetic.

Language - The Montessori classroom is prepared in such a way that all activities naturally lead to the development of skills required for oral and written language. Children use sandpaper letters to learn the alphabet phonetically and to learn the formation of each letter. At Grey Matter Montessori, we also keep a library of books including reading materials from IPC designed specifically for early readers.

Culture and Science - In this area, children explore various subjects including Geography, History, Biology, Zoology, Art and Music, giving them the opportunity to understand their environment. This aspect of child learning allows our students to discover cultures past and present and explore living and non-living things.


Why Choose Montessori For Your Child?

Our Montessori teachers are highly trained with many years of experience. They come from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures and experience and are all Montessori certified. Our staff understands the importance of nurturing and providing quality care for our students and use innovative Montessori methods to help children develop independence and critical thinking skills. 

There are many reasons why you should consider the Montessori method for your child, including:

  • It seeks to educate the whole child.
  • The Montessori method uses developmentally appropriate methods to learn concepts for more successful learning outcomes.
  • Montessori builds a natural love for learning.
  • The method focuses on the individual child and their unique potential.
  • The safe, enjoyable environment prepares children for future academic and social excellence.
  • Montessori teachers are positive, encouraging and value each individual child.

At Grey Matter Montessori, we are committed to upholding and furthering the principles of the Montessori method, focusing on individualized and comprehensive learning, developing your child not only into an intelligent student but also a well-rounded, kinder and happier human being.


Conveniently Located in NW Calgary

At Grey Matter Montessori, we proudly serve families in some of the top communities of Northwest Calgary. With just a short 2–17-minute drive away, our center is ideally situated to offer accessible and high-quality early education to children from surrounding neighbourhoods including:

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To learn more about the Montessori method of education or to enroll your child in our program, contact our Calgary Montessori school today at 587-707-4739.

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